International Assistance

Caritas' international assistance focuses on substantially improving the nutritional situation for 450,000 people and the life chances of 50,000 children. Key tasks include providing specific activities in the field of agriculture, preventive measures against malnutrition, as well as education and training for children and young people.
It is mainly children in crisis areas, girls from poor rural families and children with disabilities who are denied access to education. About 1/5 of all school-age children globally do not go to school, which is a total of 264 million children. Of these, 59 million children do not even attend primary school. In developing countries, a quarter of children enrolled in school drop out before they have completed primary school. Worldwide, 102 million young people aged between 15 and 24 can neither read nor write, of whom 59% are young women and girls.
Around 690 million people in the world suffer from hunger. Every day hundreds of millions of mothers and fathers do not know how to provide enough food for their starving children. Every 10 seconds a child dies as a result of hunger. Difficult climatic conditions, conflicts or unsustainable agricultural practices prevent families, especially small children, from having access to sufficient and balanced food throughout the year.
As an endowment contributor, you are free to select a specific project to be implemented:
A future without hunger - Food security
- Know-how for sustainable agriculture
- Support with seeds, agricultural equipment, etc.
- Sustainable animal husbandry
- Marketing - expanding sales channels, e.g. cooperatives
- Protection of resources by planting trees, energy-saving stoves, etc.
- Preventing malnutrition especially in children
A future for children
- Providing access to quality education
- Learning support, early support, and useful day-structuring programmes
- Strengthening families to escape the spiral of poverty and enable children to grow up with opportunities
- Compliance with children's rights
- Accommodation in family-like institutions
- Social inclusion of children belonging to marginalised target groups (e.g. Roma, or children with disabilities)
Your endowment contribution alleviates livelihood hardships
Your endowment contribution of EUR 100,000 for interventions in agriculture, animal husbandry and marketing will ensure sustainable food security for 200 peasants and their families in the poorest countries of sub-Saharan Africa. The donated amount is intended to be used up over a period of approximately three years.
By providing an endowment contribution of EUR 500,000, you can support the education of 50 children in the poorest areas of Europe with an annual income stream of EUR 20,000 expected to be generated through capital gains or dividend payments. The children will receive school materials, after-school learning support and transport to school. In addition, the funds will be utilized to work with families towards understanding that education is a prerequisite for a good start in life. Thereby, the assets contributed will remain intact as far as possible and thus continue to have an impact for an unlimited period.